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Our Environmental Policy

Vantage is committed to the environment. We realise that the world we live in has finite resources and there is a limited resort left for humans, as it has to absorb the load of mankind placed on it. That is why we try and take every measure to sustain the reality of evolution and also protect our environment.

Save our natural resources by minimising our negative impacts through education, training to all employees and other relevant persons to enable them to carry out their duties.

Minimise its environmental impact, as is economically and practically possible

Develop plans and procedures and provide resources to successfully implement this policy and for dealing effectively with any emergency

Establish and maintain on going dialogue with appropriate stakeholders (e.g. customer, employees, suppliers, local and national authorities, cultural authorities, non-government organisations, trade bodies, neighbors and local community organisations.

Provide environmental, health and safety training to all employees and other relevant persons to enable them to carry out their duties safely without causing harm to themselves, to other individuals and to environment

Ensure that all its activities comply with national environmental, health and safety regulations

This policy shall be reviewed as and when required for betterment of the same.

Making one single sheet of copy paper can use over 13oz. of water– more than a typical soda can.

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